Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Until we meet again....

My Grandma Apodaca passed away on December 6, 2008. She was my mom's mom. When someone dies you tend to reflect on things you could have done differently while they were still here. She lived in California and we moved away when I was still small. Although I didn't live close to her the majority of my life, I wish I would have made more of an effort to really know her. The things I do remember about her were her happy smile, her genuine concern for her family, and her love for genealogy. Still, I feel I should have known more, been a better granddaughter, and treated her the way that I know she cared about me. She had a lot of history stored in her little brain. Even though she is not here anymore I hope to take the time to listen to the stories from the people that do know them.
I am glad I was able to attend the services and it gave me an opportunity to see family I hadn't seen in many years. It is always sad to me that it takes a death in the family for us all the make the effort to see one another.

Death is also a time when we contemplate what we are really grateful for. I am so thankful for my own mother and the example she has been to me. I am grateful that she has a testimony of the gospel and helped me build mine. I am thankful that she taught me to always put myself in the other person's shoes and to be of service to your fellow men.
Even though we are sad when we lose someone, I am thankful to know that we will see them again and that this is not the end.


Davis Party of 6 said...

Hey Courtney, I am so sorry about your Grandma. You have the best attitude and outlook on life. I loved St. George especially our inspiring talk on the way home. I miss you, we need to do something soon. Emma is so beautiful!! I can't believe she's 3. I think I am going to go private so send me your email. I hope you have a great Christmas!!!

Kris said...

Emma is a cutie! It's amazing how fast they grow!