Sunday, September 28, 2008

Take me out to the ball game

So anyone who knows us, knows that our family plays ball. I don't really know if you can count me as one who plays though??? Anyway, Taylor and Parker are both on accelerated teams. Taylor plays for the Blaze and Parker plays for the Sugar Kings. We have a lot of fun going and watching them learn to succeed, but I must admit that by the time fall hits I am done with ball parks! Taylor had a great day Saturday and hit really well. Parker is trying to fix his swing so he is going through a "learning curve". Regardless of how they do, I am still proud of them for being dedicated enough to play for a teams that expect a lot.

Taylor (#6)

Parker (#9)


Elly said...

Drew finally gave us your blog site. I am adding you to my blog list. Yeah one more friend. The school looks so cute! I miss having you around. Your funny comments, stories and just someone to talk to. Come in and see us soon.

Katie said...

I don't know how you do it, going from ballpark to ballpark. But I am sure it is all worth it when you watch them really enjoying what they do and excelling at it.
We have really enjoyed watching Halle play soccer this year, we are hoping that she enjoys playing as much as her dad does.